What is it?
A peripheral nerve stimulation technique with fine solid needles +/- electricity that is used to induce physiological changes on the activity of the nervous system and its effectors (Elorriaga, A). As a western trained health care professional acupuncture is used as part of conventional medicine rather than a complete “alternative medical system”.
How does it work?
It acts by stimulating the nervous system through the nerves.
How can it help you?
The most common application of acupuncture is for pain relief, particularly musculoskeletal pain. However, the Contemporary Acupuncture Program at McMaster University teaches that acupuncture is used to facilitate modulation of neurological activity at multiple levels of our nervous systems. In fact this acupuncture approach is implemented in the treatment of Olympic and professional athletes throughout the world. In addition to musculoskeletal pain, acupuncture may be used to treat stress related problems, headaches, functional bowel or bladder problems, menstrual or menopausal symptoms, allergies, sinus problems, etc. This list is not exhaustive.
If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line or post a comment. I've also included a link to the Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program at McMaster University.
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